This diet is basically a variation on the Atkins diet where the focus is on restricting carbohydrate intake. In this version of the diet you eat two or more eggs for breakfast along with, grapefruit, low carbohydrate vegetables or lean protein.
Lunch and dinner includes either another serving of eggs or a small portion of lean protein such as fish or chicken. Salads and low carbohydrate vegetables are usually allowed as desired however fruits are generally limited to one to two serves daily. Other carbohydrate foods such as bread, pasta and potatoes are strictly limited.
Another version of the diet is called the ‘Egg and Grapefruit Diet’ and this involves eating half a grapefruit with each meal. The rest of the diet plan is very similar to that outlined above.
The most extreme version of the diet involves eating only hard-boiled eggs and drinking water.
Eggs, lean protein, low carbohydrate vegetables, grapefruit, and water.
2 boiled eggs
½ grapefruit
Roast chicken without skin
Green Salad
2 egg omelet with spinach and tomato
Exercise is not a requirement for following this diet plan.
This is a relatively inexpensive diet plan and the only cost may be that the grocery bill is slightly increased due to the need to purchase extra lean proteins and fresh vegetables.
The Egg Diet is essentially a crash diet, especially the version that does not allow for nutritional variety. Although rapid weight loss will probably occur it is most likely that all of this weight will be regained upon the completion of the diet.
Obviously eating eggs alone is not a healthy way to lose weight and the extreme version of this diet is very dangerous for health. Dieters risk not only nutritional deficiency but also severe disruption to their health and well-being.
The common (mis)conception with Dreamweaver is that Dreamweaver is designed to or is even capable of completely removing the agency ofHTML and CSS coding from web design. This is like saying that a nail-gun can completely replace a hammer. A nail-gun will nail the boards together, but it is an imprecise tool, and there is a certain amount of danger while using it. If you can’t occasionally fall back on the hammer for more detail-oriented work, then there’s a definite limit to what you can build. A skilled carpenter knows how to use the hammer and occasionally does so when the nail-gun just isn’t doing what is intended.
Dreamweaver, like the nail-gun, is designed to make your life easier. You may never learn HTML or CSS, but without knowing them, you are limited to Dreamweaver’s way of doing things. This is not altogether a bad thing: it is simply a slightly narrow perspective on a large field.
Dreamweaver has good tools to assist you in laying out your site. There are also a lot of “pre-fab” layouts and templates available as starting points in Dreamweaver CS3.
Dreamweaver’s layout features are, however, somewhat limiting. Some designs are simply impossible to achieve using the buit-in layout tools. In these cases, you can go in and manually edit the HTML and CSS that Dreamweaver produces to tweak to exactly what you need.
**untuk keterangan lanjut, korang boleh lawat sendiri kat laman web Adobe
Haaa~ Kalau korang nak taw!~ saya dapat beg free dari prestariang... sebagai tanda ingatan setelah bertungkus lumus belajar untuk menjadi seorang yang professional kan?? Hahaha...;p Inilah beg yang saya dapat~ Boleh tahan smart...
Akhirnya!!~ Tamaltlah sudah Semester 1, Tahun 3 saya di Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka... Tahun depan da masuk sem baru~ Bunyi macam lama je lagi kan tahun depan tu? Padahal~ 10 hari je cuti... Waaaaa!!!~ T.T
Walau macam mana tertekan pun belajar ni, saya tetap akan berusaha sedaya upaya dan menggunakan peluang yang diberi dengan sehabis baik. Saya berjanji dengan mak dan abah dan juga diri saya sendiri, Saya nak jadi orang yang berguna dan berpengaruh suatu masa nanti!
Saya Boleh! UTeM Boleh! Malaysia Boleh!